Hello there.
My name is Aaron Green, and this is my website.

Since we may not know each other, here are a couple of icebreakers.

Now that you've seen the icebreakers, here is more about me.

I'm a student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign studying Computer Science. I received my B.S. in Computer Science and Statistics in May 2019 from UIUC and plan to complete my M.S. in Computer Science in May 2020.

I am primarily interested in backend development and system programming. For my masters research, I am developing an auto-scaling distributed platform for data science education, research, and applications. You can read more here. Although, that website is almost certainly severely out-of-date.

Currently, I'm a software engineering intern at Stripe working in Go and Ruby on the Developer Experience Products team, where we focus on building tools to ensure Stripe continues to deliver a world-class experience for our users. In the spring of 2019, I was at Jump Trading working on the risk platform in C++. In the summer of 2018, I was working at Braintree on the Treasury team, making sure all the money added up properly.

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This site was last updated 08/22/2019.